For Investors
Unearth B2B technology founders together with
Tin Men Capital
We deliver hands-on focus on portfolio management and value for our investors and founders via a unique blend of operational and venture capital expertise.
Invest with us
B2B technology — venture returns with less risk
Significant Opportunity
Large, rapidly digitising industries. South East Asia is a strategically located region
Sticky Customers
Long-term contracts with high switching costs
Ignored and undervalued
Of the US$9 billion raised in Southeast Asia in 2020, only ~10% went to B2B
Attractive Unit Economics
Highly monetisable, compelling +70% gross margins and long-term recurring cash flows
By the numbers
9 companies
Review more than
600 startups annually
>85% deals
What startup founders say about working with us
Why partner with us
A unique opportunity to back an underserved asset class producing venture returns.

Some cast wide, we dive deep
The lower failure rates of B2B startups enables Tin Men Capital to grow a concentrated portfolio. Rather than spreading our expertise across a large portfolio per fund, we concentrate our expertise and capacity to support our founders for the next stage of growth.

Assume nothing, analyse everything
To create venture returns with less risk, we have set stringent criteria to conduct in-depth research and discernment of startups without the distraction of bias or hype.